You Want to Make a Change
But you don't know how.
so you just try to make it work.
You push through, hoping the outcome will be different.
And it's exhausting.
But you are not a quitter!
Whether it's your health, your work, or your relationships, your M.O. is the same:
You muster up some motivation and try again.
You go back to the diet,
You double-down on your efforts at work, you're determined to prove yourself.
You add self-care to your already overflowing to-do list,
but you're still not seeing the results you want.
You're still not Happy, Content, or Fulfilled.
You try a new diet, a new job, or a new career ⇐ I tried this. Spoiler: it doesn't work.
You've tried everything. You've read all the books. Now it feels like you're out of options.
You have options
You have just stumbled upon the greatest option of all.
Someone to guide you through making the sweeping life changes you crave.
Diving into the unknown and coming out Whole, Content and Happy - is 100% possible.
Imagine being fully energized to take action.
Your new M.O. looks like things started to fall into place on their own.
Everything flows from a place of inspiration.
You are the model for perseverance because you've learned how to keep going with ease.
The pounds start to slide away.
You're starting to shine at work and everyone sees it.
New and better opportunities flow into your inbox.
You're feeling valued and appreciated everywhere you turn.
Self-care isn't a to-do list -- it's a way of life.
You've finally moved into a space of pure Happiness, Contentment, and Fulfillment.
You have the skills, kownledge and tools to last your lifetime.
This is your permenant change.
It's YOU 2.0.
But you're not there yet.
You're still:
→ Wallowing in self-doubt.
→ Frozen in a state of fear.
→ Feeling like you're disconnected from who you really are.
This is where I come in
I'm Jessica Reddy, Life Coach, I help high-achievers break through their own blocks and make a change so they can get to their next level.
It's your time to:
→ Gain Clarity so that you're energized to move forward.
→ Make A Plan so that you’ll start taking inspired action.
→ Create New Habits so that your life will finally reflect the person of integrity that you are.
→ Bounce Back from Setbacks so that you can step into your own greatness with grace and ease.
→ Enjoy The Journey so that you have fun along the way.

Are you wondering what kind of results can you expect? Well everyone is different and your dreams are unique to you. Previous clients have:
⇒Gone from floundering in a sales job to international change-maker and diversity and inclusion leader.
⇒A directionless, former executive went from taking an early retirement package, to entrepreneur, to being offered her dream consultancy job with her former company that was an exact match to the dream job we talked about in our very first session.
⇒Struggling salon owner to a thriving, expanding business with the confidence and realization that she really has what it takes and has had it all along.
⇒lost 10 pounds in 12 weeks without focusing on losing weight and kept the weight off.
⇒gone from grappling with infidelity and the crumbling of a marriage along with a lifetime of hopes and dreams to finding love again and imagining and realizing a dream life that wipes out the pain and suffering of the past.
Introducing: YOU 2.0
This 6-month coaching package includes:
- 20 coaching sessions via phone or Zoom.
- Unlimited email/ text.
- Short urgent calls between sessions.
- Weekly homework and focus areas.
Roadmap to Your Transformation
Pre-Coaching: The You 1.0 Questionnaire
In your coaching welcome pack you'll receive a questionnaire designed to get you moving in the right direction even before we officially begin. This questionnaire will give you a clear picture of where you are now. It will help us get clear on what you are struggling with the most and where you want to start, so we can make the most of our time together. This first step in clarity will help you release the fog and confusion, and get you feeling like you are on stable ground.
Phase 1: Developing Your Dream
In the first couple of sessions, we'll clarify what your heart's desire really is. You'll immediately begin to see where your everyday life isn't in congruence with what you want and begin to make small changes that have a big impact. You’ll leave these sessions with a much deeper understanding of what's holding you back so you can feel in control of yourself and your life.
Phase 2: Making Changes
As the weeks go by you'll develop the tools and skills to take on bigger changes. Each week we’ll review what worked and what didn't and you'll learn how to make adjustments on your own so your confidence in the new version of you starts to soar.
Phase 3: Gaining Mastery
Here's when the magic starts to happen on a regular basis. You begin to have more and more serendipity moments. You'll find a variety of situations popping up which will allow you to move into the place of mastery which will solidify your trust in yourself and your new vision for yourself.
Phase 4: YOU 2.0
The magic of being in the flow of life and alignment with your best self is now an everyday occurrence. As the perfection of this transformation reveals itself, your trust will grow that life is working out for you, you're exactly where you want to be and you've made the right change.
Let's get Started!
Are you interested in working with me? Excellent! Here's how to get started:
Schedule a free call to find out more and start your transformation.
What Others Say
... Amazing things have just opened up. There is so much to share! I think that I have learned a lifelong technique that has forever changed my life and I have you to thank for that! --Beverly Reddinger
Jessica's clarity always leads right to the core of an issue and her consistent belief in my potential has helped me grow as an individual and as a professional. Jessica's experience, perspective, and commitment to her clients are why I value her input and highly recommend her to others. -- Maggie Churchville
I came to Jessica "stuck' in neutral. I wanted to move forward and was simply unable to do so. in working with her, I was able to tap into and explore some hidden and not-so-hidden patterns that were creating resistance to my being able to live my best life. Together we have been able to expose and address them and it has been instrumental in helping me move forward. -- Jenny White